Title:TBroken Wings Pairings:Yunho x Jaejoong, Gackt x Jaejoong, Gackt x Ex lover Rating:None Warnings:Teaser Genre:Romance, Summary: He abandoned his love and could only wish that his ex-lover would not do the same to another.
Title:Casual Pairings:YooSu ♥ YunJae (Knowing myself well there will be a lot OT5) Rating:NC-15 Warnings:OT5 and lame story, not edited Genre:Romance, life Length:Unknown Author:agnetalovek
Title:Lament of the Lamb Pairings:Yoochun♥Junsu | JaeChun, YunJae (I'm not sure myself) Rating:None Beta:ting5 Genre:Tragedy, romance, fantasy Summary:
A/N: First I want to say that the months are in correct order. Secondly the last part will be posted tomorrow. Third: I'm looking for a beta. I don't write much and not very often either, so no pressure.
Now please tell me what you though of my oneshot:)